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IPFS News Link • Education: Private Secular Schools and Home School

"We" Should Not Regulate Homeschooling

•, Kerry McDonald

The desire to control other people's ideas and behaviors, particularly when they challenge widely-held beliefs and customs, is one of human nature's most nefarious tendencies. Socrates was sentenced to death for stepping out of line; Galileo almost was. But such extreme examples are outnumbered by the many more common, pernicious acts of trying to control people by limiting their individual freedom and autonomy. Sometimes these acts target individuals who dare to be different, but often they target entire groups who simply live differently. On both the political right and left, efforts to control others emerge in different flavors of limiting freedom—often with "safety" as the rationale. Whether it's calls for Muslim registries or homeschool registries, fear of freedom is the common denominator.

A recent example of this was an NPR story that aired last week with the headline, "How Should We Regulate Homeschooling?" Short answer: "We" shouldn't.