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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Goldman Sachs to Invest $750-Billion to Fight Climate Change as Big Finance Cashes in...

• by Reuters

Goldman will receive a 3-5% commission on the sale of "green" investment products. Investment giant BlackRock Inc and its $7-trillion in assets recently joined the Climate Action 100+ initiative, pressuring companies to act on climate issues. Citigroup is a vocal supporter of the Paris Agreement, the landmark environmental accord of 2016. The firm is devoting $100-billion to climate change solutions in energy, infrastructure, and technology. Globally, this type of investing skyrocketed to $12-trillion in 2018. [No one in these companies has claimed that any of this will reduce global warming to any appreciable degree. It's all about making money, increasing taxes, and controlling people in the name of a supposedly good cause. It's a great business for con artists.] -GEG

If you have gone to Goldman Sachs Group Inc's (GS.N) internet home page since mid-December, it would be reasonable to wonder if you had stumbled into some kind of parallel universe.