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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Vaccination: How the West Invades the World

• by Jon Rappoport

Vaccination is the prow, the leading edge of the invasion.

Convincing nations that vaccines are absolutely essential opens the way for all the other practices of Western medicine. Especially mass drugging.

In recent years (think Swine Flu, SARS and other fake epidemics — including COVID-19), the World Health Organization has played a major role in insisting—with threats of sanctions and quarantines and travel advisories—that nations vaccinate their citizens to the hilt, in order to protect the world against "the deadly spread of viruses."

The WHO wields significant power in this regard. It is a pharmaceutical enforcer.
There is a hidden aspect of the vaccination-invasion: the local political leaders of "backward" nations stand to gain from the vaccine ruse.