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Tesla Model Y 70 MPH Highway Range Test: How Far Did It Go?

•, Tom Moloughney

We fully charge a 2020 Tesla Model Y and drive it at a constant 70mph until the state of charge reaches zero, to see just how far it can go. This is how to conduct the highway range tests at InsideEVs, so we can compare how far the cars we test go on while driving on the same course. 

We recently did this same test with a 2019 Tesla Model 3 dual-motor, long-range, and finished up with 290 miles and an excellent efficiency rate of 4.25 mi/kWh (14.6 kWh/100 km). We knew the Model Y wouldn't match the Model 3's efficiency but weren't sure just how close it would get.

We were able to rent a Model Y for the day from PlugInShare, an electric vehicle car-sharing company that has about a dozen Teslas to rent. They are based in Jersey City, New Jersey, so if you live in the area and need a car, or just want to test drive a Tesla, you can view their inventory on the car-sharing app Turo

We recently posted a Model Y video from InsideEVs contributor Kyle Conner's Out Of Spec Youtube channel. Kyle had a friend of his drive his new Model Y at 70-mph in Arizona with temperatures over 100 degrees to see how far it would go in those conditions. They managed to drive 253 miles with an efficiency rate of 283 Wh/mi. However, it was a little hotter than it was when I did my test and wasn't a round trip, so elevation changes and wind may have played a role in the results.
