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Radical left-wing group posts BATTLE PLANS to unleash mass CHAOS and shoot Trump

• Natural News - Mike Adams

(Natural News) A radical left-wing group that claims it is working to stop the "violent white supremacist machine that is the Trump administration and its supporters" has posted a Google document containing detailed battle plans to take down the U.S. infrastructure and bring the nation to its knees following another Trump victory.

The battle plans are posted in a document entitled, "Stopping the Coup" which was distributed by a group called ShutDownDC. Breitbart News explains the contents of the document:

It casts its plan for disruption as a response to an imagined "coup" by the president in the case of a close election.

In an email promoting the guide, ShutDownDC declares: "Preventing Donald Trump from stealing the election and remaining in office is likely to take mass, sustained disruptive movements all over the country." The guide is a manual to that "disruption."

Parts of the guide are committed to ensuring a "fair election." Parts of it, however, read like a manual for staging a coup rather than a guide to preventing one.

The guide's actions are consistent with detailed descriptions of anticipated left-wing terrorism that I described in a recent article entitled, "Likely TIMELINE of events to take place from Sep. 20 to Jan. 20." That article declared:

-Immediately after the election, Democrats will likely activate their full-blown chaos agenda to throw the country into mass chaos, making any accurate counting of remaining votes almost impossible. This will likely begin with so-called "Zero Day" attacks that target key US infrastructure, including the power grid, telecommunications, transportation and water supplies.

-These attacks will plunge many areas of America into extreme chaos and lead to exploding crisis scenarios which will quickly escalate into panic among the populations of certain cities where the attacks are focused.

-In concert with the Zero Day attacks, left-wing insurrectionists will be given the "go" signal to flood into the streets, violently attacking Trump supporters with the full forces of the weapons that have been smuggled into the hands of Black Lives Matter terrorists via communist China, which is providing heavy weapons to US insurrectionists (full-auto battle rifles, RPGs, mortars and more).