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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

Trump loyalists march in Washington to contest vote result

•, Sébastien DUVAL

Marchers close to the White House greeted Trump's brief appearance with wild cheers, waving and whistles, holding signs and flags saying "Best prez ever," "Stop the steal" and "Trump 2020: Keep America Great."

Several thousand people had gathered by noon on the city's Freedom Plaza, with more still arriving from all sides, waving flags and shouting "Four More Years" in a festive atmosphere reminiscent of a Trump rally.

With right-wing militia group the Proud Boys also among those rallying, a large security presence was deployed in the capital to prevent clashes with anti-Trump events scheduled outside the Supreme Court.

The latest tallies gave Trump's Democratic challenger Joe Biden a solid final win in the state-by-state Electoral College that decides the presidency, with 306 votes against Trump's 232. Two hundred seventy votes are required for election.

But Margarita Urtubey, 49, a horse breeder who flew in from Miami with her sister, told AFP the election was "so corrupt," adding "Trump won by a landslide. We are here to march for the 'stop the steal' of this election, to make our voice heard."