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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden Family Made $31 Million From Individuals With 'Direct Ties To Chinese...'

•, by Tyler Durden

The Biden family bagged $31 million from just five deals in China - all inked with individuals who have direct ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, claims author Perter Schweizer in his new book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

As Breitbart News reports, "Multiple financiers with direct ties to Chinese intelligence partnered with Hunter Biden during and after his father's time as Vice President — including the former head of the Ministry of State Security and the head of foreign intelligence recruitment — and some of those relationships remain intact," according to Schweizer.

The book outlines how Beijing sought a financial relationship with the Bidens as a method of "elite capture," which led to meetings between Hunter Biden and high-level Chinese financiers, as well as the CCP, in order to exert leverage over the powerful family.

One of the central early players in the Bidens' Chinese deals is a tycoon by the name of Che Feng, or "The Super Chairman," as Hunter and his partners referred to him.

Che, the son of a PLA soldier, has been described in Western media as "a shadowy and discreet investor," whose father-in-law was the governor of the People's Bank of China, and whose business partner was the Vice Minister of State Security, a man by the name of Ma Jian. Schweizer writes that Ma was reportedly the director of the ministry's No. 8 Bureau, overseeing North American operations targeting foreigners with its counterintelligence apparatus. -Breitbart