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IPFS News Link • DOJ-Department of justice

DOJ Refusing to Turn Over 400 Docs That May Show Payoffs to Hunter, Jim Biden From Russia...

•, By Admin

There's an old expression that the cover-up tends to be worse than the crime. Now, I don't know if we can yet say that in the case of what's going on with the Department of Justice and the investigations into the Bidens, largely because we don't know how bad the "crime" is yet. But it surely sounds like they have a whole lot of explaining to do about their actions — and why they aren't turning over 400 pages of documents related to Hunter and Jim Biden's business dealings.

Colorado lawyer Kevin Evans is a FOIA expert who sued to get documents pertaining to "any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form" between the president's son Hunter or brother Jim, and China, Russia, or Ukraine.

Evans said the DOJ lawyers admitted that they had at least 400 "potentially relevant" documents, but now are trying to say that they won't "confirm or deny" it.

Evans filed his FOIA request more than two years ago in November 2020.

'They eventually produced about 60 pages of documents, but they're all letters from senators and congressmen asking about Hunter, and letters from DoJ back,' he said.

'Then towards the end of last year they said, "well we have these 400 pages of potentially responsive documents, we need to review them."

'In March I filed suit, and before Magistrate Judge Michael Hegarty they made the same representation: they've done a thorough search, they've uncovered 400 potentially responsive documents.'