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IPFS News Link • General Opinion

Kunstler: Bringing Back This Gaslit Nation Into The Daylight

• by James Howard Kunstler

Understand: no amount of political blustering will bring this gaslit nation into daylight when there is no more money and no more credit and no feasible way to feed the blob that ate our government.

The equation is simple. Our country can't handle normal interest rates; and the value of the dollar can't withstand more ultra-low interest rates. Someone, please, ask Congress to stop screwing that pooch over there!

Oh, and that "can" we've been kicking down the road turns out to be a rusty old 50-gallon drum. Somebody has stuffed America into it and is fixing to drop us overboard beyond the continental shelf off the Jersey Shore. Can that be stopped, too?

So, here at week's end we see these two rather momentous issues juxtaposed:

the battle over how to finance that blob-infested monster in DC; and

the battle to expose the crimes of a real-life Manchurian Candidate president.

Neither battle is going all that well for the minority of citizens who want to live in a pro-reality society. If we follow the fiscal trend, all the tax revenue we can grudge up will barely cover the annual interest on our $30+trillion debt. If we can't boot out the brain-dead cat's paw in the White House, then say goodbye to the rule of law and liberty with it.