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IPFS News Link • Senate/Senators

US Mulling 'Day After' Hamas, Including An International Peacekeeping Force In Gaza

• by Tyler Durden

Both Bloomberg and Politico have this week reported that US officials are in discussions to possibly establish a multinational peacekeeping force that would be sent to the Gaza Strip, given that a massive humanitarian catastrophe is fast unfolding. The plan is being mulled in preparation for after Hamas is finished, and based on fears of post-war total societal breakdown which could in turn breed further home-grown terrorist violence. 

Democratic Sens. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin of Maryland disclosed the "very preliminary and fragile" closed-door discussions to the publications. 

Van Hollen has been cited as saying he believes it's "important to have some kind of multinational force in Gaza as a transition to whatever comes next." However, the White House has at the same time cautioned that putting US troops on the ground in Gaza is "not something that's being considered or is under discussion" - according to NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

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