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IPFS News Link • Economy - Economics USA

Most Americans Are Literally Living On The Edge Of Disaster

• The Economic Collapse Blog - Michale Snyder

The government says that inflation is low, but the cost of living just continues to spiral out of control.  The government says that unemployment is low, but Challenger, Gray & Christmas says that the number of layoffs in the U.S. was up 98 percent last year.  The government says that the economic outlook for 2024 is positive, but companies all over America are acting as if extremely hard times are ahead.  So who are we supposed to believe?

Personally, I trust numbers that come from private sources far more than numbers that come from government sources.

For example, a survey that was just conducted by Bankrate discovered that 56 percent of all U.S. adults do not have enough money to handle an unexpected expense of $1,000…

A majority of Americans say a $1,000 emergency expense would be too great of a hit to their savings and that they could not afford it, according to new data released Wednesday.