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IPFS News Link • Crime

'Masters of the Universe' Plot Our Subjection

•, by Mike Pottage

These criminal acts are not driven by greed or desperation or the need to survive. The perpetrators seem to delight in their violence, and give particular attention to inflicting as much suffering upon their victims as is possible.

What has changed in America? Many victims of crime would come home from work to find their television set grew legs and walked out of the home. Once upon a time the criminal either needed a new TV, or the cash to buy more drugs. Today, it is not uncommon to find the entire house trashed. Destruction for the sake of destruction. The 80-year-old lady navigating her walker down the sidewalk probably is not carrying a lot of cash when she is knocked down and beaten to death. Often the video captures the joy on the faces of the murderers. These people seem to enjoy the killing. Deviate sexual crimes are a daily staple of crime reporting, and Frankenstein surgery is practiced in the nation's hospitals.

Society cannot survive this daily diet of Charles Manson-style bloodshed.

What changed to create mass societal suicide? Marxists have been verbally abusing personal freedom and free enterprise for more than a century. In Los Angeles after World War II, UCLA was often referred to as the "little red schoolhouse." That never changed, but the Marxist propaganda is now the position of the national government, sways both major national political parties and dominates nations on all continents. Down south, way south, Argentina just said "no mas."

Americans are told daily their nation was founded by evil people, always has done evil things, and so Western civilization, particularly Christianity, must be destroyed. It seems logical to assume some people will be influenced enough to lash out at their perceived oppressors.

Add to the mix the fact that an extraordinary number of Americans have voluntarily engaged in self-destructive drug abuse. At the beginning of the 1960s, the homeless population had a problem with alcohol consumption. Then marijuana was added, and now we are flooded with synthetic drugs and life destroyers. Somewhere, some time along that journey, the individual may decide nothing is his fault, society has failed him, and then he becomes violent.