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Kristen Nagle fined 20k+ for Organizing Rally

•, by: Kristen Nagle

This was a time when people were losing hope going into our 3rd lockdown. People were isolated, children were being harmed, businesses were suffering, our community was not well. This lawful, peaceful, rally was the first of its size in London. It brought people together. It gave hope, inspired others to exercise their rights and freedoms. It was a beacon of hope for our community who no longer felt alone. This was just the start, it was not and will not be the last.

September of 2022 I was also found guilty and charged for attending church on April 25th, 2021 (Easter Sunday), this charge has been appealed and we are still awaiting decision. All fines had to be paid in full in order for appeal to be heard.

Canadian Frontline Nurses also put forth a libel/defmation suit against Canadian Nurses Association and Together News Media, we lost and sentenced to pay the defendants 320k in court costs. Myself, along with one other member of CFN paid these costs using our Home Equity Lines of Credit. 

I have two more trials coming up one at the end of February for a charge in London and another for Cornwall. Apparently I'm a dissenting voice that must be used as an example to make sure no one else will take action against egregious, tyrannical acts again. 

I know I stand on the right side of history and my integrity, character, and soul remain intact. But here we are, where they acknowledge our rights and freedoms have been infringed upon, but with reasonable cause that infringement is allowed. Define reasonable cause? Is there a definition? How vague can this be and what doors does this open to allow more of our rights and freedoms to be trampled because "they say so."

This is not the end.  I will not allow their bullying tactics to break me or damper my spirit. I trust in God that he uses all situations to bring light and glory to His name and vindication will come.