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IPFS News Link • Tyranny

The Rapidly Emerging Rule of Tyranny in the West

• Paul Craig Roberts

An 18 year old mother put her baby in a dumpster with a trash compactor. The police found the baby's remains wrapped in a mattress protector inside a zipped-up duffel bag. Evil must have taken a large step forward for a mother to do this to her baby.

I can imagine Jakayla Williams thinking that if she had aborted the baby there would be no complaint, so why can't she put the baby in the dumpster?

Legalized abortion, that is legalized murder, has left women insensitive to murder.  Consequently, murder is becoming legalized outside abortion. For example, Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians, and our Great Country America vetoes the UN resolutions against Israel's genocidal murder of the Palestinians.  Washington has redefined genocide as "self-defense" by the Israelis committing the genocide.

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