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IPFS News Link • Foreign Policy

The World Needs Peacemaker Trump Again

•, By Jeff Crouere

These "undocumented migrants" include terrorists, drug dealers, and intelligence agents of countries such as our enemy, China. It should alarm every American that 22,233 Chinese nationals have illegally entered the United States since the beginning of the fiscal year in October. If this rate continues, this year's total will easily top the 24,125 Chinese nationals who illegally entered the country last year.

There has been an astounding 6,300% increase in the number of Chinese nationals illegally entering the country in the last few years. Since China is a communist nation, these individuals are not freely traveling to the United States for a "better life." U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) believes the influx is due to "the direction of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)" and it involves "espionage" as well as "stealing military and economic secrets."

Last year, China sent a spy balloon over our country, and it was not shot down until it completed its trek across many states. In addition, Chinese investors are buying American farmland for nefarious reasons, and it was confirmed that China operated "police stations" in the United States to monitor their citizens in our country.

China is constantly threatening Taiwan and its other neighbors while building up its military forces. Their proxy state, North Korea, has started regularly testing long-range ballistic missiles that concern their neighboring countries.

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