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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

Sidney Powell Completely Vindicated

•, by M Winger

Now what do the Democrats have to say, the ones that were so quick to point the finger at Sidney Powell?

Justice arrived on Wednesday, when a Texas court stated that it wasn't proven that Powell was guilty of "fraud, dishonesty, deceit, or misrepresentation."

Let's see how many from the Left, how many from the legacy media will offer her an apology.

We may be waiting a while.

Reuters reports:

A Texas appellate court on Wednesday upheld a decision to reject attorney disciplinary charges against Donald Trump ally Sidney Powell, finding that the state's bar failed to prove that she had engaged in "fraud, dishonesty, deceit, or misrepresentation."

The Dallas-based Fifth Court of Appeals of Texas said in a 23-page opinion that state bar prosecutors "employed a 'scattershot' approach to the case," which alleged that Powell had "no reasonable basis" for filing lawsuits challenging U.S. President Joe Biden's 2020 election victories in key battleground states.

A judge had sided with Powell in the case last year, finding "numerous defects" in the evidence presented by the State Bar of Texas Commission for Lawyer Discipline.

A representative for the Texas state bar said the commission would meet to determine its next steps and declined to comment further. Powell's attorney Robert Holmes did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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