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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

I received a request for an interview from a French University Ph.D. Student for His Dissertation:

• https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

I received a request for an interview from a French University Ph.D. Student for His Dissertation

This is my reply:

Pierre, I don't think your questions are relevant.

In the US and throughout the Western World, or what little remains of it, the white ethnicities who once constituted nations are now submerged in towers of babel in which the white ethnicities are demonized, and in the US reduced to second class citizenship in law, made to feel guilty and not only silenced but actually punished for protesting the over-running of their countries by Immigrant-invaders.

The intrusion of government into the family has destroyed the authority of parents. It is the state that has power over children. The children are brainwashed and indoctrinated in public education that they and their parents are racists and that they might be born into the wrong body from their real gender. In the US fortunes are being made in changing the gender of children in a process that legally has been taken out of the hands of parents.

Everyone knows that the immigrant-invaders are not "refugees from oppression." Official US statistics document "refugees" from 160 countries. As there are only 200 countries, that would mean 80% of countries are tyrannies from which people are refuges.

The most oppressed countries in the world are the US and its West European puppet states such as France, once a great nation. If the Western peoples complain about the loss of their national identity, they are harassed, often prosecuted, for "hate crimes," "racial crimes," "hate speech" as is Marine Le Pen, described in the French press as a fascist or a Nazi. In Scandinavia, women are afraid to complain about being raped by immigrant-invaders as such raped women have been charged with racism. Even the feminists are too brainwashed or cowardly to come to their support..