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Slovakia Probing Broader Conspiracy In Assassination Attempt On PM Fico

•, by Tyler Durden

He was shot multiple times, and has survived his wounds, by what authorities initially said was a "lone-wolf" shooter who was immediately taken into custody. That official narrative appears to quickly be shifting, however.

The 71-year old attacker fired five shots while Fico greeted supporters in the street outside a government building, sustaining life-threatening injuries.

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak announced over the weekend of Fico, "He has emerged from the immediate threat to his life, but his condition remains serious and he requires intensive care."

"We can consider his condition stable with a positive prognosis," Kalinak said outside the hospital where the prime minister is expected to remain likely for an extended period of time. "We all feel a bit more relaxed now."

Concerning the shooter's motives, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok has said in a fresh briefing that "the suspect was angered by the government's Ukraine policy" and that he may not have been a lone wolf. According to Bloomberg:

On Sunday, authorities said that cooperation with domestic and foreign intelligence services had led to a broadening of the probe, to include a version in which a group - which wasn't identified - may have been linked to the crime.

According to more details from Estok, "A potential broader assassination plot is supported by the fact that the assailant's social media communications were erased by another person about two hours after the shooting."

The Interior Minister explained, "we added a version that it wasn't only a lone-wolf attacker, but that the crime may have been conducted by a certain group of people."