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IPFS News Link • Gold and Silver

Coins vs. Bags: Comparing Two Options in Physical Silver

• Seeking Alpha
Financial advisors always compare the advantages of one stock, ETF or mutual fund over another and write articles explaining their position. Gold dealers are no different. It’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of metal you purchase before making the decision to buy. Add to this the fact that the price of silver has risen remarkably in the past few years and investors are wondering the best way to take advantage of this price movement. For this analysis, I have left out any comparisons to silver bars, as I believe investors should own silver coins as a basis for their portfolio. Silver coins, as will be explained later in the article, can provide the means of profit as well as be used for barter should the economy slip to those depths in the future.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by McElchap
Entered on:

 Gold and silver are good investments in any form, but if you don't invest in brass and lead, you might not be able to keep the precious metals!

 Keep your powder dry!