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IPFS News Link • Corruption

Revoking the corporate charters of state agencies

• The PPJ Gazette
One issue seemingly untouched by the all the legal eagles out there who claim to be defending independent and family ranchers and farmers is, the conflict of interest with intent to benefit between the state corporations (in every state) operating as “Departments of Agriculture” and private and individual farmers and ranchers who are being prosecuted and persecuted as these state owned corporations are empowered to make their own laws to benefit their own interests and to enforce those laws with full knowledge that constitutional rights and protections have been fraudulently eliminated for the sovereign individuals. This fraud, perpetrated by incorporated and privately owned agencies not only affects the agricultural sector, but also virtually every other sector of American life. On state and federal levels, corporations portraying themselves as state or federal agencies and agents exist as parasites on the public. Fully 80% of all revenues generated by any corporate agency is de
