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IPFS News Link • Torture

Why They Torture (video)

• The International Libertarian
Last Saturday the weekly demonstrations for and against the wars in West Chester, PA were joined by some special visitors. One was an activist I only know as Barbara advocating the closure of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp in Cuba. This is a US military facility that has been the subject of much controversy. Terror suspects are kept there and many are tortured. The other visitor was local conservative talk show host, and advocate of torture, Dom Giordano. He spent most of his time with the pro war demonstrators though he did come across the street to talk to us peaceful people a couple of times. The video below records two of his interviews. He engages Barbara in a lively debate on the subject of torture and Guantanamo. She handles Giordano's arguments extremely well

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Temper Bay
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Some sixty odd years ago we, America, tried, condemned, and hung those who tortured have become them....and cry the same excuses and justifications as did they.   Ain't Amerika grand. 

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