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Olbermann’s FOKNewsChannel to go live tonight


Late on Friday afternoon, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann tweeted that his online "FOKNewsChannel" would begin operations tonight.

Around 3 PM EST, Olbermann posted, "Bulletin: FOKNewsChannel site, humble and presumably bug-ridden though it may be, goes live tonight. Puhhhhhhrobably. #FOK"

At just past 9 PM, a follow-up post announced, "Greetings, Earthlings: my website/blog FOKNewsChannel.Com will go live at 9:30 PM Eastern this evening."

As it happened, however, Olbermann's new blog site appeared a few minutes earlier than promised, with three sections -- an extended editorial on "Wisconsin and 'The Union,'" a section of "Snappy Answers to Stupid Headlines," and "Worst Persons of the Day."