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Heicklen nullifies Judge's anti free speech order again

• Libertarian News Examiner

For a second day libertarian activist Julian Heicklen flaunted Judge Belvin Perry's order that anyone passing out jury information around "his" courthouse in Florida's Orange County will be held in contempt of court for jury tampering.

And for a second day nothing happened.


3 Comments in Response to

Comment by William Kemp
Entered on:

the proper word is 'flouted', not 'flaunted'.

'He FLAUNTED his FLOUTING of Judge Whatever's order.

otherwise, right on.

William Kemp

Comment by humblepie
Entered on:


Re: Heicklen nullifies Judge's anti free speech order I appreciate your reporting efforts but by unintentional mis-information an opportunity to properly inject the duty of the Orange county officials was missed. Their duty is to honor their oath of office and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Had they enforced the dictate, the deputy or other office holders would have themselves become domestic enemies of the constitution. I am humble in the necessary correction.
Comment by Michael Reinhart
Entered on:


Re: Heicklen nullifies Judge's anti free speech order I appreciate your reporting efforts but by unintentional mis-information an opportunity to properly inject the duty of the Orange county officials was missed. Their duty is to honor their oath of office and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Had they enforced the dictate, the deputy or other office holders would have themselves become domestic enemies of the constitution. I am humble in the necessary correction.