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Criminal Justice System

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Simple Justice

Appellants are now in at the Third Circuit on the appeal of Andrew Auernheimer's conviction for somehow violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. I say "somehow" as the government was never pinned down on whether it was

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Simple Justice

Prosecutors say defense ignored their requests to turn over the interviews in advance of an August hearing on the appeals.The government was not made aware of the defense motion nor was it given the opportunity to respond to the request.

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Lew Rockwell blog

This is in Dubuque, Iowa. Michael C. Lewis, 25, is charged with discharging a firearm into a car and building. The result? He's charged with "one count of going armed with intent and two counts of terrorism."

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FOX News

An internal review of the state crime laboratory found the supervisor overseeing the lab was often biased in favor of prosecutors. The audit determined the former supervisor, may have tampered with or even lied about forensic tests in court

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Lew Rockwell blog

In Texas a teenager has been caged since March and is facing a further 8 years behind bars after he joked about committing violence, while in California a man is to be caged for 32 months after he grabbed a boy and "sniffed" his arm.

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Lew Rockwell blog

The states and the feds have enacted laws that make it a crime to make a terrorist threat. This tells us a person can commit this crime by his speech alone, even if he has neither the intent nor the means to carry the threat out.

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Lew Rockwell blog

Facing a bureaucratic refusal for him and his wife to check his child out of school early, he was found guilty of threatening to return to the school with an AK-47 and kill everyone and himself. This was two days before Sandy Hook occurred.

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Today’s revelations that the National Security Agency collected bulk data on the email traffic of millions of Americans provides startling evidence for the first time to support a whistleblower’s .......
