Immigration advocates stack demands for Obama
• pbs.orgPresident Barack Obama faced immediate demands for bold action to stem deportations Tuesday, a day after declaring immigration legislation dead and announcing plans to act on his own.
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President Barack Obama faced immediate demands for bold action to stem deportations Tuesday, a day after declaring immigration legislation dead and announcing plans to act on his own.
Doctors and nurses have been told by Obama's private security force that are openly calling them selves "Brown Shirts" they will be arrested if they don't keep their mouths shut about the highly contagious diseases flowing over the open border
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Wednesday that President Barack Obama must visit the Texas southern border to see the immigration crisis for himself.
A Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some one the unaccompanied immigrant children ae being housed.
"A group of 140 Central American migrants who entered the United States illegally were flown from Texas to Lindbergh Field Tuesday and then bused to a U.S. Border Patrol facility in Murrieta, where crowds of angry protesters ....
Up to 40 planes sought to help halt "the unlawful movement of people" and for other missions
...and they are just as worried as we are! "They consider that this situation has resulted in a humanitarian emergency, exceeding the capacities of protection from the State..."
A federal appeals court ruled on Monday that a Mexican teenager killed by a Border Patrol agent was protected by the US Constitution, even though the teen was on Mexican soil when he was shot.
President Obama said he would take executive action to revamp the U.S. immigration system and move additional resources to protect the border after hopes of passing broad reform legislation in Congress officially died.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) says President Barack Obama, "will borrow the power that is needed to solve the problems of immigration."
"You can't be here," a Border Patrol agent said. After learning that he was speaking with Breitbart Texas, the agent repeated his assertion and stated, "It isn't safe for you here." The agent refused to give his name and then grabbed
A remote section of the U.S.-Mexico border near the Anzalduas International Bridge is one of the few places where media can witness and record the mass crossings of minors coming from Central America. The U.S. Border Patrol is now restricting journal
More than 50M displaced by violence, says UN
The Abbott government is offering asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru detention centres up to $10,000 to abandon their hope of resettlement in Australia and voluntarily return to the country they fled from.
Take a look at their own document requesting "Escorts for Unattended Alien Children"
As was stated yesterday (see http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/06/19/what-you-are-not-being-told-about-the-invasion-of-america/), the Border situation is a completely manufactured crisis and this has been planned for at least a year.
Entered By: Dave HodgesMinors up to age of 17 to be brought in "with dignity and respect" at taxpayer expense
There is a lot you are not being told about the present immigration status. People on both sides of the border are the pawns of the manipulators. This is the next great tragedy...
Entered By: Dave HodgesThe border situation is chaos on steroids, with thousands of unaccompanied kids and families streaming in from Central America, where they heard on television that kids are guaranteed amnesty tickets.
The Obama administration plans to move as many as 1,000 unaccompanied minor migrants from Border Patrol facilities in Texas to facilities in Baltimore, Md., and Richmond, Va., in an effort to ease overcrowding and address the growing humanitarian cri
Amazingly, 70 Republican House members joined with almost every Democrat to defeat Gohmert's amendment. Among those who voted to keep the subsidies for illegals were Eric Cantor and Renee Ellmers, two Republicans who were challenged on their support
The Associated Press (AP) obtained an email from Eligio "Lee" Pena, an assistant patrol agent, that ordered more than 3,000 agents to not speak to reporters about the "humanitarian crisis." The email allegedly said that reporters are likely to press
A veteran Border Patrol agent linked the recent influx of migrants from Central America to rumors of amnesty by the Obama administration, reported Judicial Watch.
Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., ....
Arizona - angry about the federal government sending from Texas to Arizona immigrants who are in the country illegally - said conditions at the holding center are so dire federal officials asked the state to ship medical supplies
Breitbart Texas obtained internal federal government photos depicting the conditions of foreign children warehoused by authorities on U.S. soil on Wednesday night.
Given the wide range of surliness and abuse meted out by these uniformed guardians of the dotted line on the map and roadbocks elsewhere, just how are we supposed to know just what rights they're violating?
Several days ago, we looked at the big picture of US immigration, presenting the place of origin of America's 40 million foreign-born residents.
The Pentagon is weighing allowing some immigrants brought illegally to the country as youths to serve in the military, a unilateral step by the Obama administration as immigration legislation remains stalled in the Republican-led House.
Illegal immigration has steeply declined over the last few years, throughout much of the southwest border. The one exception has been Texas, where apprehensions are up 69 percent. The New York Times reported the immigrants now coming over the Rio