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WAR: About that War

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USA Today

[Not Kerry?] Cutler is among a group of Vietnam vets informally advising the Navy as it reconstitutes river patrols. The Navy wants to extend its reach into the shallow brown waters of deltas and rivers, often the frontline in the war against terrori

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Iraq will ask the United Nations to end immunity from local law for U.S. troops, the government said on Monday, as the U.S. military named five soldiers charged in a rape-murder case that has outraged Iraqis. In an interview a week after Prime Mi

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Britain is to send 900 more troops to Afghanistan to fight the resurgent Taliban who have unleashed a wave of bombings, ambushes and raids in a recovery the international community failed to predict. Taliban violence has intensified this year to i

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David Bowker vividly remembers the first time he heard the phrase. A lawyer in the State Department, Bowker was part of a Bush administration "working group" assembled in the panicked aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Its task: figurin

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A bookstore in eastern Baghdad is getting more customers these days, but they aren't looking for something to read. The owner sells fake IDs, a booming business as Iraqis try to hide their identities in hopes of staying alive. Although it'

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Miami Herald

In the darkness of night, the two Army privates made a vow: Whoever survived their Vietnam tours would tell investigators about the actions of a platoon known as Tiger Force. As the Tigers were leaving a hamlet in 1967, the two soldiers saw the li

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NY Times

The second-ranking American commander in Iraq has concluded that some senior Marine officers were negligent in failing to investigate more aggressively the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians by marines in Haditha last November, two Defense Department off

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After famously telling reporters that they "don't do body counts," Pentagon officials now say that they have been keeping a record of civilian casualties in Iraq...this would be equivalent to 570,000 U.S. citizens killed in the same per

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Masked Shiite gunmen roamed through west Baghdad's Jihad neighborhood, dragging Sunnis from their cars, picking them out on the street and killing them in a rampage that police said killed 41 people in a dramatic escalation of sectarian violence.

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Three decades after they fled the United States to avoid the Vietnam War, a small group of former draft dodgers gathered in Canada, more convinced than ever that their anti-war stand was right. The start of the four-day "Our Way Home" co

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LA Times

He was the first to enter the charred farmhouse where the bodies of his relatives lay strewn about the floor, shot and bludgeoned to death. A US Army officer took the 2 surviving children in his arms, barely able to hold back tears as he told them t

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Suddenly, the faces and voices of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahri are everywhere, in a stream of video and audio messages broadcast to the world. In the past month alone, six new tapes from the two have reached an i

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SBS World News (Australia)

Judge Radi Hamza Radi, head of the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity set up in 2004, says corruption has "exploded" since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003. Judge Radi blamed "the weakness of state institutions during

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Christian Science Monitor

"Thanks to the US government, two of Iran's main threats - Saddam Hussein, and the Taliban and Al Qaeda - have been removed from power," says Abbas Maleki, Iran's former deputy foreign minister, currently at the Belfer Center for Sc

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USA Today

Iraq's government is studying a request from some local insurgent leaders to supply them with weapons so they turn on the heavily armed foreign fighters who were once their allies, according to 2 Iraqi lawmakers. Leaders claiming to represent ab

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Federal prosecutors charged former Army Pfc. Steven Green with the rape and killing of an Iraqi woman and her family, a crime detailed by authorities in an affidavit. The affidavit is based on interviews with several soldiers, including two who told

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An Army lieutenant who said he refused to deploy to Iraq because he believes the war there is illegal was charged with three counts. He said he would be willing to serve in Afghanistan or elsewhere. The Army refused to allow him to resign his commiss

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USA Today

Two Republican senators said Sunday that Congress must rein in the Supreme Court ruling that international law applies to the Bush administration's conduct in the war on terror. Thursday's Supreme Court decision embracing Article 3 of the

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Fairfax newspapers on Monday reported that the Howard government used Australia's support for the US in Iraq as a bargaining chip to protect the country's multibillion-dollar wheat trade with Baghdad. Citing documents, Fairfax reported tha

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Al-Qaida leaders sold out Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to the United States in exchange for a promise to let up in the search for Osama bin Laden, the slain militant's wife claimed in an interview with an Italian newspaper. The woman, identified by La