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Gun Rights

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It is a measure of how subservient our political system is to the gun lobby that when the Supreme Court affirmed a federal gun ownership ban for domestic abuse convicts this week, it was hailed as a huge victory. In a 6-2 decision, the court deemed t

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Elizabeth Harrington for the Washington Free Beacon reports There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report. Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednes

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House Democrats occupied the Floor yesterday and into this morning, demanding a vote on bills that would restrict firearm purchases for those on the US government's terror watch list. Are guns the real issue? Or lists?

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The people in the government who want to control our personal choices are the enemies of freedom. And the enemies of freedom can be very clever and seductive.

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In the wake of the worst mass shooting in US history, many Americans want to ban civilians from buying the AR-15, that ultra-popular, all-American killing tool. But in basements and garages around the country, another group of Americans is collecting