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Lawrence O'Donnell is seen here on corporate cheerleader for the criminal mafia Obama usurper de facto crime family who is even more rude than his mentor predecessor Bill O'Rielly also a SOB. Continues to badger HERO Orly Taitz not even allowing her

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The hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these 2 hospitals merged.

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Spencer Ackerman via

They explained bone fractures, didn’t ask cause of lacerations, and called the hallucinations routine. Medical professionals entrusted with the care of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay turned a blind eye when there were clear indications of abuse.

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“By the end of the year 2012,” Tucker told Jones, “they (the Bilderbergers and the elite) want us paying $7 a gallon for gasoline… what they want to do is bring the American standard of living down to the standard of the so-called third world…

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Children love to play "let's pretend." Let's pretend the economy is "recovering." Why does this "recovery" remind me of an addict who's conning his caseworker? (Yes, I'm really in recovery--those aren't tracks, they're insect bites....)

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His research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism and institute martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash

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The Financial Elites/Oligarchy raked in billions in private profit from the orgy of leverage, credit expansion, fraud, embezzlement and misrepresentation of risk that resulted in the Housing Bubble.

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A jailed Mafia boss who once ordered a payback killing in the infamous "Donnie Brasco" case made gangland history by becoming the highest-ranking member of the city's 5 Italian organized crime families to break their sacred vow of silence and testify

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