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World News

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One World

The US four-year-old occupation of Iraq has considerably worsened the lives of the country's women, charges a new report from an international human rights group. The New York-based group MADRE says Iraqi women are enduring unprecedented

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Daily Mail

Mr Makino was stationed there during the war. What he never told anybody, including his wife, was that during the 4 months before Japan's defeat in March 1945, he vivisected 10 Filipino prisoners of war, including two teenage girls. He cut out th

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The Independent

A military correspondent for Russia's top business daily died after falling out of a window and some media alleged yesterday that he might have been killed for his critical reporting. He died after falling from a fifth-story window in the stairwe

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Daily Telegram

Speculation of the involvement of Russian agents intent on silencing opponents to President Vladimir Putin's regime, wherever they may be, has increased with an attempted murder in America and an apparent suicide in Moscow.

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London Times

CHILDREN aged 11 to 16 are to have their fingerprints taken and stored on a secret database, internal Whitehall documents reveal. The leaked Home Office plans show that the mass fingerprinting will start in 2010, with a batch of 295,000 youngsters

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IDG News

A law allowing security officials in Germany to create the largest and most comprehensive pool of personal data ever amassed in the country goes into effect as it claims to move to protect itself against possible terrorist attacks.

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Families of victims of China's 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown on pro-democracy protests have urged the government to allow open debate on the subject at next week's annual meeting of parliament and "reveal the truth".

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India wants to sell nuclear reactors. Nuclear Power Corporation of India said that it was in talks to sell small nuclear reactors to Malaysia and other Asian nations in hopes an international embargo on its technology will end.

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Canada's Parliament scrapped two contentious anti-terror measures, angering the minority Conservative government, which accuses opposition legislators of being soft on terror. [Where is our repeals? Oh, the Dems support repression.]

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Washington Post

US troops detained the eldest son of Iraq's most influential Shiite politician for nearly 12 hours Friday as he crossed back from Iran, the same route Washington believes is used to keep powerful Shiite militias flush with weapons and aid.

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North Korea's chief nuclear negotiator plans to visit the US with days for follow-up talks on a recent disarmament deal, South Korean news reports said Saturday. The North's Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan is expected to arrive in San Fra

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(While Iran gets the headlines, this takes place) Pakistan successfully test-fires a nuclear-capable, surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range of 1,250 miles on Friday, the military said. The test was witnessed by the chairman of joints chi

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Amnesty International

Karim Amer is the first Egyptian blogger to be tried for writing blogs criticizing Egypt's al-Azhar religious authorities, President Husni Mubarek and Islam. Charges against him included "spreading information disruptive of public order

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Washington Post(David Ignatius)

"Are you on the road, or in the ditch?" Back when I covered labor negotiatioins 30 years ago, that was the question reporters would ask to get a sense of how contract talks were going. The phrase came back to me last weekend as I listened

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Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Wednesday fired a top Sunni official who had called for an international investigation into the rape allegations leveled by a Sunni Arab woman again three members of the Shiite-dominated security forces.

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Christian Science Monitor

Zach Hunter was only 12 years old when he became an abolitionist. During Black History Month, as he read about Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, he thought he, too, would have fought against slavery if he'd lived back then.

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An explosion on a train headed for Pakistan set off a fire that swept through 2 cars and killed at least 66 people in an attack that a government minister said was aimed at undermining the peace process between India and Pakistan.

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Taki's Top Drawer

Something that became perfectly clear early on to most Russians was that Western backers of privatization, liberalization and “reform” and their Russian counterparts were supremely uninterested in the well-being of Russia and Russians.