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John T. Bennett, The Hill

For the first time in nearly 20 years, members of the U.S. military might have to pay more for healthcare. Some say tightening budgets and ever-escalating personnel costs are setting up a fight inside the Pentagon budget: people versus machines.

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Terrence Aym

Over the past few years the US military has aggressively ramped up its commitment to battlefield robots. Now the Pentagon is forging ahead with fantastic plans to build robot armies. By 2015 it's expected that up to one-third of America's fighting

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Tennessee state senator Bill Ketron insists that his proposed anti-Sharia measure (formally known as the "Material Support to Designated Entities Act") is not intended to criminalize the peaceful practice of the Muslim religion.

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"We are going to keep the pressure on Gaddafi until he steps down and allows the people of Libya to express themselves freely and determine their own future," Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told ABC's "Good Morning America."

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And drones aren’t just buzzing over the Adirondacks. The proposal to begin training missions there is part of a bigger push to build a drone infrastructure for flying missions throughout the United States.

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The bottom line is: the US is going to resort to military action in Libya. The size and scope of the operations is yet to be determined. You only have to look at the building up of assets in the region to realize that the Hammer is being loaded...

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Paul Craig Roberts via

The United States government cannot get enough of war. With Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi’s regime falling to a rebelling population, CNN reports that a Pentagon spokesman said that the U.S. is looking at all options from the military side.

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