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Voting and Elections

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In a Public Policy Polling survey, quite a few Texans say they'll vote for Harambe for president in November. If you haven't looked at the Internet in a while, Harambe was a gorilla fatally shot by a zookeeper after a toddler fell into his pen, b

Article Image, By Jonathan Easley

Signs of change are emerging in Donald Trump's campaign as he seeks to close the gap with Hillary Clinton in the polls.

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For at least a half-century, and demonstrably and palpably since 1972 (and perhaps since November 22, 1963), the American public, first the fringes and then the majority, has become disillusioned with the national government and apathetic or cynical

Article Image, Pepe Escobar

Certified add-ons include Wall Street; selected hedge funds; TPP cheerleaders; CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) interventionists; media barons; multinational corporate hustlers; in fact virtually the whole exceptionalist US establishment, duly unde

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For many Americans, the path to casting a vote is way rockier than it should be. Between (racist) new voter ID laws and government websites that haven't been updated since the late Cretaceous, it hard to know how to register, where and when to vote

Article Image, AmmoLand

USA ?" Judicial Watch has joined with the Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) in filing an amici curiae brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit arguing that the court should reverse a lower court that struck down an Ohi

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For all the hand-wringing about the threat to liberty and constitutional government posed by the major party presidential candidates, there is little discussion of how this threat is due to the political class's long history of supporting expanded

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The next president could be dealing with an ObamaCare insurer meltdown in his or her very first month. The incoming administration will take office just as the latest ObamaCare enrollment tally comes in, delivering a potentially crucial verdict abou

Article Image, By L. Neil Smith

Apparently, our friend P.J. O'Rourke is back, to the extent that he ever left, and last night I heard that he dislikes Donald Trump so intensely--P.J. called him a "flying monkey"--that he's going to vote for the Deathcamp Dolly, instead.

Article Image, By Health Ranger Mike Adams

After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it's ti

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On a 3,000-mile bus journey from Philadelphia to Los Angeles, riders have plenty of time to contemplate the country and the pivotal election ahead. Reporter Esmé E. Deprez and photographer M. Scott Brauer ride along to hear their thoughts.