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Palestine -- Israel

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Israel struck Beirut airport and Hizbollah's television station and killed 22 civilians in raids on south Lebanon, intensifying its reprisals after Hizbollah captured 2 Israeli soldiers and killed 8. Hizbollah retaliated for Israeli "mass

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Israel launched rapid-fire air strikes against Palestinian militants across the Gaza Strip on Sunday after rebuffing a proposed ceasefire by Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. Israel is threatening to expand its offensive unless militants rel

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Israeli forces sharply stepped up an offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza, fighting running battles with gunmen and killing 11 people in the worst violence since the cross-border operation began. Gunmen also killed a soldier in northern G

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Christian Science Monitor

A top United Nations official in Gaza said Sunday that he expects the threat of a humanitarian crisis to subside as Israel allows essential supplies into Gaza - at least for the next four days - while continuing its military offensive to gain the rel

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Israel warned the governing Palestinian faction Hamas that the "sky will fall on them" if they harm a captured soldier after a deadline passed on Tuesday for the Jewish state to accept a prisoner exchange. While Israeli tanks and infantr

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LA Times

The tense weeklong standoff over Palestinian militants' capture of an Israeli soldier has become laden with significance far beyond the fate of the missing 19-year-old tank gunner. Whether or not the soldier is ultimately freed, events have be

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Cihan News Agency

Israel holds Khaled Mashal, the leader of Hamas' Syrian branch, responsible for the abduction of two Israeli soldiers and wants Syria to expel Palestinian leaders from the country. Israel threatened to kill Hamas militants based in Damascus

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Christian Science Monitor

If Hamas militants are holding an Israeli soldier in Gaza, why are Israeli jets buzzing the home of Syria's president 180 miles away? The answer lies in the two poles of political power within Hamas - and the role played by the Islamic militan

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Israeli warplanes flew low over one of President Bashar al-Assad's palaces to warn Syria against supporting Palestinian militants who captured an Israeli soldier, the Israeli army said. Syrian officials said two Israeli planes flew over Wadi K

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Fatah will join the ruling Hamas group in a Palestinian Authority unity government within two weeks, a faction official said Tuesday after completing an agreement with Hamas over a plan that implicitly recognizes Israel. The deal ends weeks of acr

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Israeli planes attacked 3 bridges in central Gaza, and Israeli tanks were on the move after the government approved a limited operation — a response to a weekend Palestinian attack in which two soldiers were killed and a third captured.

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Olmert said he had "instructed the heads of the army to deploy our forces in order to be ready to prepare for a prolonged and extensive military operation in order to strike the terror organisations and commanders. "We will reach everyon

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The Guardian

Hamas has made a major political climbdown by agreeing to sections of a document that recognise Israel's right to exist and a negotiated two-state solution, according to Palestinian leaders. In a bitter struggle for power, Hamas is bowing to a

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The Independent

Israel has dismissed continuing calls for an independent international inquiry into the beachfront explosion which killed 7 members of a Palestinian family in Gaza last Friday after its own investigation decided it was not responsible for the blast.

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Associated Press

The Hamas-led government offered to restore a cease-fire with Israel, several days after calling off the truce to protest a deadly explosion on a Gaza beach, but said the calm would depend on Israel's response. Hamas said it is ready to put pr

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The Independent

[Hours before Palestinian PM offers referendum on recognizing Israel, they shell beach full of tourists. Now why would they do that?] Israeli naval gunboats killed at least 10 Palestinian civilians and wounded about 40 others as they relaxed in the s

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The Independent

[Hours before Palestinian PM offers referendum on recognizing Israel, they shell beach full of tourists. Now why would they do that?] Israeli naval gunboats killed at least 10 Palestinian civilians and wounded about 40 others as they relaxed in the s

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The Independent

[Hours before Palestinian PM offers referendum on recognizing Israel, they shell beach full of tourists. Now why would they do that?] Israeli naval gunboats killed at least 10 Palestinian civilians and wounded about 40 others as they relaxed in the s

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Associated Press

A Palestinian suicide bomber struck a packed fast-food restaurant during Passover, killing 9 people and wounding dozens in the deadliest bombing in more than a year. The Hamas-led administration defended the attack as a legitimate response to Israeli

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