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Donald Trump won the White House on the promise to "drain the swamp" in Washington, D.C. He rode the wave of outsider all the way inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But does Donald Trump even understand what the swamp is or who the people are that

Article Image, Wayne Madsen

The purge of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie loyalists from the Donald Trump presidential transition team has little to do with Christie's Bridgegate scandal and everything to do with a battle between Bush-era neoconservatives and national securit

Article Image, Wayne Madsen

The purge of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie loyalists from the Donald Trump presidential transition team has little to do with Christie's Bridgegate scandal and everything to do with a battle between Bush-era neoconservatives and national securit

Article Image, Wayne Madsen

The purge of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie loyalists from the Donald Trump presidential transition team has little to do with Christie's Bridgegate scandal and everything to do with a battle between Bush-era neoconservatives and national securit

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Something happened to me this week, which suggests that certain enemies hang around to bite you until you or your enemies depart this world. A few months ago Walter Block and I began assembling a list of "Scholars for Trump," which some readers o

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The neocons led by the Bush family are pro-Hillary, because they made a deal with her, in which she does her social agenda in the U.S. while the neocons take over foreign policy.

Article Image, By Justin Raimondo

Ex-Neocon: Dispatches From the Post 9/11 Ideological Wars, Scott McConnell,

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Some 51 State Department employees signed a protest memo urging the Administration to re-focus in Syria away from attacking ISIS and toward attacking the Assad government. They write that the best way to destroy ISIS is to overthrow the Syrian govern