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Robots and Artificial Intelligence

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Although we are seemingly in a permanent war, the US Congress has been AWOL in fulfilling its Constitutional responsibilities. They would rather hide behind the false idea that the president as commander-in-chief somehow has the ability to authorize

Article Image, Michael Keith

Half a century ago, when politicians, planners, writers and film-makers imagined the Britain of the 21st century, their vision was, more often than not, often one of gleaming modern cities and radical technological innovation.

Article Image, By Thomas Watkins

Robotic systems and unmanned vehicles are playing an ever-growing role in the US military -- but don't expect to see Terminator-style droids striding across the battlefield just yet.

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Washington (AFP) - Robotic systems and unmanned vehicles are playing an ever-growing role in the US military -- but don't expect to see Terminator-style droids striding across the battlefield just yet.

Article Image, By Rhiannon Williams

Robots have changed our lives in many ways, from advancing our healthcare and automating our factory lines, to taking on dangerous tasks and even taking our place in warfare.

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David Levy and Adrian David Cheok, founders of the annual Congress on Love and Sex with Robots, assert we're very close now to creating a sex robot, going as far as to say that such robots will be normalized by 2050.