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hey have tested resistant plants against a range of different strains of the virus taken from all over the world and so far, no strain has been able to overcome the resistance. The research on the so-called Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), led by Dr Jo

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Because we are force feeding our crops, all the secondary nutrients are been also depleted several times faster than is normal. At present no replacement strategy exists that I am aware of.

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The Survival Podcast

Due to my strong stance as a constitutionalists and libertarian the uninformed often call me a “right winger” which if you listen to the show is simply nuts. Unfortunately I don’t get to give many politicians a pat on the back be they Democrats or

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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A unique acacia known as a "fertilizer tree" has typically led to a doubling or tripling of maize yields in smallholder agriculture in Zambia and Malawi, according to evidence presented at a conference in the Hague this

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The plant takes up other soil resources and its deep root system soaks up limited moisture. It creates fuel for wildfires, is virtually inedible and prevents many other plants from germinating, researchers say.

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The PPJ Gazette

You are either totally ignorant about the contents of S. 510, the food “safety” bill, or you are a shill. Effective April 1, 2011, the selling of vitamins and nutritional supplements without a prescription will officially become illegal in Europe

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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black truffles are found naturally in the wild in Europe between the latitudes 40N to the 47N. Which corresponds basically from Valencia, Spain to Paris, France. They are mainly found in Spain, France and Italy. They are also found to a lesser degree

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The PPJ Gazette

This is an extremely important report on the interference and support of governments around the world, on behalf of mega corporations to end anything but industrialized food production. This article deals with the meat trade, and it does not take mu

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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The PPJ Gazette

MAYBE… Mr. J Dudley Butler noticed that Senate Ag Chairman Collin Peterson and his 114 colleges were the recipients of over $48.6 million of Agri Pac campaign contributions! However during the 2008 Farm Bill debate our Congressional leaders also

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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But Dr Francesco Paolocci, who led the latest research at the Plant Genetics Institute in Perugia, Italy, said his team's findings could help increase the annual crop of truffles and even bring down the price. He said: "It was long assumed that

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Today, the graceful migratory bird soars again over restored wetlands around the small town of Toyooka in western Japan, now a showcase for an ambitious conservation effort called the Satoyama Initiative. As Japan hosts a UN conference on biodiver

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Butterflies and bees need variety in their diets and rely on different plants to provide this diversity. Also, wild flowers provide nectar when agricultural plants have been harvested. Lindsay Maskell, a vegetation scientist at CEH, blamed ‘bad

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FAO said the aid would benefit a total of five million people, adding: "The food security of tens of millions of Pakistanis is at stake with the current planting season. The next harvest for wheat will not be until spring 2011."

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The PPJ Gazette

See how that works people – throw enough chaff into the air and particulates are bound to be found. Will you use something the EPA designates as to be labeled “Caution”? I did try to find the specific referral to AP-360 (TM) at the EPA website, but a

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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The PPJ Gazette

If the Chinese acquire large tracts of land here in the United States, food grown will be for import. This will threaten not only our own independence, but will cause distortions in our food supply and put an end to the local food movement as well.

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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When farmers douse the same field year after year with the same herbicide, certain weeds will develop resistance. When they do, it will take ever-larger doses of that herbicide to kill them -- making the survivors even hardier. Eventually, it will be

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One specific inert ingredient, polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA, was more deadly to human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells than the herbicide itself – a finding the researchers call “astonishing.” “This clearly confirms that the [in

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The PPJ Gazette

In response to the refusal of so many agricultural land owners to enter into the contract with state agencies that had taken bribe money euphemistically referred to as “co-operative funding” from the USDA, the state agencies began a campaign of extor

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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he machines clamour and whir from dusk to midnight, transforming heaps of rice husks into electricity and offering respite from darkness in Tamkuha, a humble village in the eastern state of Bihar.