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General Opinion

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Business Insider

On government licensing: “We have essentially no patents in SpaceX. Our primary long-term competition is in China. If we published patents, it would be farcical, because the Chinese would just use them as a recipe book.”

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I caught a glimpse of Sean Connery on TV late Monday afternoon at Ashe Stadium as the unequalled “James Bond” watched the unequalled two giants of today’s men tennis, Rafa and Novak, battle for supremacy at the US Open Tennis championship in New York

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Jody Gevins Underwood emailed me today concerning last nights board meeting of the Free State Project, and the motion to kick me out of the organization. Below is the exact text of that email, and then I will give you my thoughts on the matter.

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Christine Smith's blog

In general, I’d summarize it this way: He has spoken against the arrogance of the rulers…and for the people, the children, all those who suffer at the hands of bully’s – political or personal worldwide.
