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General Opinion

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A letter which was recently signed by a number of Tennessee conservative groups is causing quite a stir, especially in the left-wing blogosphere.

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Common Dreams

Scary because he claims "We don't have the power to coerce anybody" while providing massive funding to organizations that attack public education, social programs, worker salaries, business regulations, and the environment.

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Casting Ashton Kutcher as Apple's mercurial trailblazer, Steve Jobs, could have backfired big-time.

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Although broadcast on 7/31/13.. this was not previously posted. It shows the Feinsteinish ARROGANCE on Capitol hill smugly defending tyranny. We are in a VICIOUS fight... Jane Harmon can barely contain it.

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Dear Mr. Manning: I wish only that I had written to you earlier. Like hundreds of thousands of other people – and perhaps many more – I consider you to be an ethical person, a hero, someone who did the right thing in exposing the mass murder,....

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I am a Vice President o a very successful company in the western side of the Midwest. I am in my early 60s, and after 30 plus years with the company - I will retire in next year or so with no debt, a good retirement plan, stable lifestyle – no worri