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My readers are familiar with my forecast that the US dollar is in terminal decline. America is tragically bankrupt, unable to pay its lenders without printing the dollars to do so, and enmeshed in an economic depression.

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In short, ISIS is designed to replace your real wallet with a virtual one stored on your phone. The app stores credit and debit card information in the form of digital card images. To select a card, you simply tap on the corresponding icon...

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Those who have been betting on deflation for the past five or ten years have been wrong. They could be right some time in the future. But one can be wrong on a mistaken principle for a very long, long time.

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The Internet

Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency invented by programmer Satoshi Nakamoto, who also developed the Original Bitcoin client. It allows for anonymous and secure ownership and transfers of amounts of bitcoins, without relying on any central serve

News Link • Global Reported By Concerned Patriot
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There was a rally in 2008 when the dollar attracted “safe haven” flows during the financial crisis, but that now looks like a blip in a 40-year decline.

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The dollar managed to stage another faux-rally to the just above abysmal level of 73.30... for about 3 hours. At last check, the dollar is plunging and everything else is once again surging, meaning all those hoping for some miraculous...

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After some patriotic sentiment modestly pushed the dollar to just above humiliation levels, the DXY is right back to lowest level since July 2008. We still have about 150 pips to go until the all time low of 71.3521 from April 22, 2008 is taken out.

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The policies, decisions, beliefs, and institutions implemented over decades have led the country to the threshold of financial disaster. Based on my observations, a catastrophic combination of demographics, fiat currency debasement...

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No. My take on this is that we entered what I call the "Greater Depression" in 2007. And now, because the government has printed up trillions of dollars in the last couple of years, we're in the eye of the hurricane.