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A made-up rape allegation and fabricated evidence in Sweden, pressure from the UK not to drop the case, a biased judge, detention in a maximum security prison, psychological torture ?" and soon extradition to the U.S., where he could face up to 175

Johnny Harris

Julian Assange has a long, complicated past. But regardless of what you think of him and what he did, you should care about what happens to him. Here's why. Check out two very solid documentaries on Assange for a deeper understanding of him as a

Johnny Harris

Julian Assange has a long, complicated past. But regardless of what you think of him and what he did, you should care about what happens to him. Here's why. Check out two very solid documentaries on Assange for a deeper understanding of him as a

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Organic Prepper - Aden Tate

There is a difference between transhumanism and Posthumanism. Yet, just as socialism is the stepping-stone to communism, one is the stepping-stone to the other. And the advent of this technology is coming on faster than we realize.

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9/11 Studies and Outreach Club at ASU

oin us on Monday & Wednesday when we'll have the 9/11 Truth Booth set up on Barrett Lawn at ASU Tempe. If you're tired of the wars, the spying, and all the lies, now's your chance to take a break from the YouTube rabbit hole and put your boots on the

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9/11 Studies and Outreach Club at ASU

oin us on Monday & Wednesday when we'll have the 9/11 Truth Booth set up on Barrett Lawn at ASU Tempe. If you're tired of the wars, the spying, and all the lies, now's your chance to take a break from the YouTube rabbit hole and put your boots on the

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Richard Jacobs

Morpheus Titania, a former window shield repair guy and consummate salesman, now lives exclusively using bitcoin, and on rare occasion, cash. I didn't think this was possible, and most folks are surprised to hear it can be done, but Morpheus is doi

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Daisy Luther

These days, you need permission from the government to do just about anything, including feeding yourself or others. Do you own a car? Every year, you must go down to the DMV and pay the government for permission to drive it. Do you own a

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Bob Podolsky

From what is known of history and archeology, the current era probably represents the time of greatest risk to human survival ever. The top 6 threats include: Thermonuclear war with China and/or Russia Fukushima and several less prominent

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Bob Podolsky

What I have to say today is not news. Most of it has been said before by prehistoric philosophers, and more recently by Lysander Spooner, Benedict de Spinoza, Henry David Thoreau, Frederique Bastiat, John David Garcia, Robert McGee, Larken Rose

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Bob Podolsky

What I have to say today is not news. Most of it has been said before by prehistoric philosophers, and more recently by Lysander Spooner, Benedict de Spinoza, Henry David Thoreau, Frederique Bastiat, John David Garcia, Robert McGee, Larken Rose

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Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom, Member European Parliament Blasts the EP to the harsh reality that the central banks create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest. If anyone individual did this they would be thrown in prison for a very long time

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Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom, Member European Parliament Blasts the EP to the harsh reality that the central banks create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest. If anyone individual did this they would be thrown in prison for a very long time

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Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom, Member European Parliament Blasts the EP to the harsh reality that the central banks create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest. If anyone individual did this they would be thrown in prison for a very long time

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Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom, Member European Parliament Blasts the EP to the harsh reality that the central banks create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest. If anyone individual did this they would be thrown in prison for a very long time

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Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom, Member European Parliament Blasts the EP to the harsh reality that the central banks create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest. If anyone individual did this they would be thrown in prison for a very long time

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Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom, Member European Parliament Blasts the EP to the harsh reality that the central banks create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest. If anyone individual did this they would be thrown in prison for a very long time

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My friend, Larken Rose, describes authority as "the most dangerous superstition" - and has, in fact, written a wonderful little book by that title. I heartily recommend it to anyone wanting to delve deeper into the subject than the limited treatm
