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Following are quotes from an interview. I don't know how concerned I should be that I hold many of these same views. I will save the identity of the interviewee for last:

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If your life depended on writing a page on the career of Lawrence Lessig, and you had 30 minutes to write the essay, and you were in a room without access to the Internet, would I be wise to sell you a life insurance policy?

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If the Defense Department, the CIA, and our largest corporations can be hacked, certainly 50 states and over 3,000 separate county systems are no match for individuals or nation states that might want to influence the outcome of elections.

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While the FBI continued to analyze the emails Hillary Clinton thought she deleted and her advisers pressed her to hire a Republican criminal defense attorney in Washington, a madman used a lawfully purchased handgun to kill a professor and eight stud

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The world's two big nuclear militaries are in the same war now in Syria and, if not on opposite sides exactly, certainly not on the same side. A primary, if not the primary, goal of the United States in Syria is overthrowing the Syrian government.

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Nothing seems to cause one of the neocon talking heads to fall into a rage more than discussing a politician or political candidate who "doesn't believe in American exceptionalism!!" Sean Hannity seems especially unhinged under such circumstan

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That little smoke-filled room where our despair and paranoia incline us to imagine a small number of evil people run the world clearly forgot to keep an eye on the Republican Party.

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Nowhere has there been so much hand-wringing over a lack of "affordable housing," as among politicians and others in coastal California. And nobody has done more to make housing unaffordable than those same politicians and their supporters.

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A little flashback for those with amnesia. Before Ron was even running in 2012 a familiar face at CPAC was already calling his campaign doomed before it started. Remember, remember my friends.

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"They" being the California General Assembly which just passed a bill (SB 350, the "Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015," see here) that mandates a 50 percent reduction in petroleum use statewide by 2030.

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The Pope has commented more than once on the ongoing refugee / migrant situation that is consuming the news. In a recent interview, he suggests that the underlying cause is an unjust economic system:

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The bad news has continued to cascade onto the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, and none of it has anything to do with Clinton's opinions on issues. It all is about her fitness for office.

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In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I will ponder possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy.

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Asher Abid Khan sat in Istanbul's Ataturk Airport and considered his next move -- forward to Syria and enlistment in the Islamic State, the militant group that had drawn him to the possibility of dying for Allah, or home to Texas and his bewildered

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The 22 major candidates running for U.S president, along with an even larger number of independent groups supporting them, raised an unprecedented $388 million in the first half of the year. This shows which neighborhoods this money came from.