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Yesterday, March 6, marked the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo outside of San Antonio, Texas, back in 1836. This event is so significant in my mind that I always try to devote a column that honors the heroism of these men on or around the annive

Article Image, By Laurence M. Vance

Do we call a member of the Mafia or other criminal gang a hero if he gives his life in the course of saving his fellow gang members from an attack by rival gang members? No, we call him a dupe, a fool, or an idiot.

Article Image, Alice Speri

How Ahed Tamimi Became the Symbol of Palestinian Resistance to Israeli Oppression

Article Image By Will Stewart

Pilot shouted 'this is for our guys' before killing himself with a grenade to avoid being captured by jihadists after his plane was shot down in Syria

Article Image By Will Stewart

Pilot shouted 'this is for our guys' before killing himself with a grenade to avoid being captured by jihadists after his plane was shot down in Syria

Article Image


"Back in the dreamingtime, when the Great Gods strove among themselves for dominion of the skyspaces, and the wide expanse of Earth was rent apart by unearthly wildfire, Bemotha was cut apart by the bright arrows of Shemas. Then this land was given