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Article Image, By Eric Peters

One of the ways that gas taxes will be increased is by not calling them that. It goes down easier – like the "shared responsibility payment" you're forced to pay for not paying the health insurance mafia for an Obamacare policy you don't wa

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

As previously reported, and as was just confirmed by the WSJ, President Biden on Wednesday will announce that he is halting all new oil and gas leasing on federal territory, "setting up a confrontation with the oil industry over the future of U.S. en

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Zero Hedge

Continuing optimism about a possible oil market recovery in H1 2021 is largely based on the wishful thinking of OPEC leaders, such as Saudi Arabia, and an irrational view on the positive effects of COVID vaccines on the global economy.

Article Image by Tsvetana Paraskova

Arab Gulf oil producers are losing billions of U.S. dollars from oil revenues this year due to the pandemic that crippled oil demand and oil prices. Because of predominantly oil-dependent government incomes, budget deficits across the region are soar

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In 1956, though, a geologist working for the Shell oil company published a report which showed, among other things, that the process of discovering, drilling and extracting an oil deposit took approximately four decades. It followed that if we calcul

Article Image by Tim Watkins

In the 1970s, the developed states were shaken by oil shortages. Although largely artificial – the result of OPEC flexing its muscles, and later the Iran-Iraq war – the oil shocks briefly caused people to take seriously the prospect of running o