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Stock Market

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Last Friday, around the time of the quad-witching collapse which sent the S&P to levels not seen since Trump's inauguration, amid the flurry of headlines bombarding shell-shocked traders, was one that was particularly ominous if bizarrely incomplete.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Update: ignore all of the below, because moments ago, with futures near limit down, the Fed announced it would pursue an unprecedented open-ended QE, which helped push futures sharply higher and are now green on the session.

Article Image, by William Anderson

In slashing its key interest rate to zero in response to the economic calamities imposed by all levels of government ostensibly to fight the coronavirus, the Federal Reserve System is trying to regenerate the crashing stock market.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

Back in December, someone in China made bat soup (at least according to the officially accepted narrative that doesn't get you banned on Facebook, Twitter, etc), and the rest is history: in the next three months, the global equity market has lost $24