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Economic Theory

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Through mid-1929, workers in the Soviet Union had a standard six-day workweek. Working on Saturday was still a common practice in most of the world. Even in the United States, working half days on Saturday would be common into the early 1950s. But Su

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The Belt and Road, and global capital and labor flows, weapons sales, new alliances, currency trends and gold movement, all take on a very different meaning...

Letters to the Editor • Global
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When I grew up in the 70s and 80s, I was given a very romantic view of Sweden and how everything worked, but I only realized later it wasn't very true. It was the happy 80s, so there was no end to public funds for anything. Everybody went to free d

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Today, housing consumes over 30 percent of our income for most of us, and those in the lowest 20 percent of income bracket are paying almost 40 percent of their income for housing. Costs decline from there, with the wealthiest quintile paying 29.9 pe

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I imagine that my mother probably thought about winning the lottery so much because she was a stay-at-home mom during my early childhood. She'd been thinking about going back to college to get her teaching credential, and she'd need money. Or may

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By: Homi Kharas and John Macarthur

Sustainable Development is rapidly degrading Capitalism and Free Enterprise with massive malinvestment to realize the Utopia-based 17 SDGs specified by the UN's 2030 Agenda. "Malinvestment is a mistaken investment in wrong lines of production,

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So when he realized that reading and sending emails was consuming an ever-expanding portion of his time?"Ariely regularly receives hundreds of emails a day, excluding spam?"he wondered if there were something he and others could be doing differen


And yet work is not working, for ever more people, in ever more ways. We resist acknowledging these as more than isolated problems - such is work's centrality to our belief systems - but the evidence of its failures is all around us. As a so

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By David Stockman David Stockman's Contra Co

If you want to know had badly Keynesian central banking has corrupted the financial discourse, just check into the current PC sensation of the week.

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If value is subjective, however, that purchasing power too is subjectively valued, in terms of what subjective value it can provide (through the actual goods and services the money can purchase). And, in any market-like setting, willingness to give u

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Martin Armstrong-Armstrong Economics

Over the centuries, sailors have told legends of monster waves that would appear out of nowhere in the middle of the open sea. Most scientists dismissed the stories as fabrications and legends. These stories were reported over the centuries by sailor

News Link • Global Reported By Mark Wells
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Mises Media

Martin Armstrong is one of the most famous economic forecasters alive, but you wouldn't know it after the whitewashing job he's suffered at the hands of the federal government and the mainstream financial press. The man who in the 1980s and 90s h

News Link • Global Reported By Mark Wells
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Martin Armstrong is a controversial market analyst who correctly predicted the 1987 crash, the top of the Japanese market, and many other market events … more or less to the day. Many market timers think that Armstrong is one of the very best.

News Link • Global Reported By Mark Wells
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On the other hand, the deficit may be financed by selling bonds to the banking system. If that occurs, the banks create new money by creating new bank deposits and using them to buy the bonds. The new money, in the form of bank deposits, is then spen

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