Contents Pages by Subject

Media -**QQ**Fake News**QQ**

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Dr. Paul's remarks are well taken. If it's not a hoax, the virus IS being used as a completely exaggerated, super-hyped, super-inflated psychological ops campaign against the American people--

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Zero Hedge - Tyler Durden

China's notoriously militant censorship has been turned up to eleven during the coronavirus outbreak. They have made it illegal for healthcare workers, crematoriums, and anyone else involved in the response to discuss the situation

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LewRockwell.Com - By Caitlin Johnstone

We know this from experience: any time a whistleblower exposes secret information about the malfeasance of powerful governments like NSA surveillance or Collateral Murder, we see not public accountability, nor demands for sweeping systemic changes to

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This article lists ten news stories from 2019 that were debunked for using fake science, and included a range of issues covering false climate claims, gun violence statistics, inaccurate breathalyzer tests and more.

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Dan Bongino - Bongino.Com

In this episode, I address the Second Amendment rally in Virginia and the media's attempts to set you up. I also address the bold move by the GOP Senate to checkmate Adam Schiff in the sham-impeachment trial. Finally, I address the devious plot by

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It's a new year so it's time to bust out the dinos once again! That's right, James Corbett will be hosting the 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards this Friday, so Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave your nominations for worst fa