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Education: Colleges and Universities

Article Image,Paul Craig Robert

Georgetown University law professor Jonathan Turley notes that the University of California, once a bastion of free speech, now is opposed to it. The university now punishes people for opinions expressed outside the classroom and the university.

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By Walter E. Williams

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics at Ohio University Richard Vedder's new book, "Restoring the Promise," published by the Independent Institute based in Oakland, California, is about the crisis in higher education.

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By Tom Woods Tom Woods Show

Amherst College in Massachusetts just did something so ridiculous that it actually had to reverse course, and that never happens. The Office of Diversity & Inclusion posted and emailed to students a 36-page "Common Language Guide." You're p

Article Image, By Walter E. Williams

Federal prosecutors have charged more than 50 people involved in cheating and bribery in order to get their children admitted to some of the nation's most prestigious colleges and universities such as Georgetown, Yale, Stanford, University of Texas

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What shocked even the old timers in my hometown was that Mayor Hugh Addonizio, the man who gave me my Eagle Scout Award, would accept kickbacks in cash right across his desk. They were troubled less by his criminality -- that was expected in Newark -

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