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Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

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Article Image, Russell Brand

Joe Biden has taken the fight against disinformation one step further, by setting up a new "Disinformation Governance Board", or DGB – only one letter different from KGB… so nothing to worry about there.

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Awaken With JP

The Biden Administration has launched the Disinformation Governance Board - AKA the Ministry of Truth! Watch this video to learn everything you need to know about Nina Jankowicz and the exciting new powers that the government will be exerting on free

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Ron Paul Institute - David Stockman

Needless to say, with the politicians in both parties foaming at the mouth against Putin, the Deep State and military-industrial complex had a field day hyping Russia into a national security threat that was not remotely justified, but which did mass

Article Image by JD Heyes

He amassed an $850 million personal fortune in the years before the war with Russia