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4409 -- Arizona...Home of Dark Helmet and Papers Please!

Written by Subject: Videos by 4409
I guess Janet Brewer is the Sith and we all know who the storm troopers are :)
We made these signs and are putting them all over the valley in the coming weeks. Wonder if the people from out of state will have to show their birth certificates?
I know SB1070 and I know how it will be implemented. I'm going to have to get rude so the dumb fu%ks can understand this....the Federal Government has been trying for years to get your license linked up with local police every time that you are stopped or questioned. This was called REAL I.D. or National I.D. The so called fake "conservatives" cried over and over about Real I.D. because it linked you license or your name to a homeland security data base. Well, YOU NOW HAVE THIS IN ARIZONA via SB1070.
Every time you have contact with police whether or not you actually committed a crime or not they run your license and/or use your truthful name and that data it transferred to a government data base at homeland security. This was completely illegal  to share this information with the feds but now we have to pretend to stop illegals so its all good. Do you get it now?
furthermore it's NOT the same as the federal law...don't be a parrot and actually go compare the laws I have.
BEFORE this bullshit law you use to have to be committing a "crime" before a storm trooper could demand I.D. from you. Now just walking down the street they can fuck with you and ask for I.D. on the "reasonable" suspicion that you committed a "public offense" which is not even defined in the bill..which means they can stop you for anything...even spitting on the ground.
If you're not defending the rights of the weakest among us you soon will not have any rights because honestly you're not as wonderful and powerful as you think you are!
SB1070 is the biggest political smoke screen dupe I've seen in awhile. They said in the end times people will be begging for their own enslavement and Russell YOU will never be forgotten for doing this to your children and grandchildren.

Remember that gun grabber Pearce put an amendment in the constitutional concealed carry which allows cops to take your gun away at anytime and and copy all the info and send that data to homeland security. Furthermore, SB1070 is about expanding police powers NOT immigration..
Nothing like $80,000 a year cops in their $50,000 SUV's shaking your ass down for $300-$1500 a pop.
You can never say you were never fact you begged for it! Have fun in the police state :)
Have fun in the Police State!

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Maddawg Mcclowski
Entered on:

 @ #11690

Stay where you are ,as Its safer than AZ. The fact that the Feds are NOT enforcing existing laws is the reason for this in the first place. I have no problem with people immigrating to this country, this is a nation of immigrants.

The problem I have is ILLEGAL immigration...another fact that is somehow swept under the carpet (so to speak) or simply too politically incorrect to udder. I am aware that many if not most come ILLEGALLY in hopes of a better life for them and their family, after all isn't this is the land of opportunity (if not they would not be crashing our borders, we can only pray that it remains so). However, if we continue to allow and ignore this abuse and disregard for our laws; we run the risk of morphing into a nation where bribes and corruption of our legal system will be no different than Mexico or other similarly corrupt governments.

It's sad that some people care more about the rights of those in this country ILLEGALLY than they do for our citizens. If the immigration laws need to be changed to fix this problem then let's concentrate on that. We may need to know who is in our country, you think?. How many Terrorist, Rapist, Murderers and other habitual criminals do we want to allow into our country? Or is that just 'too politically incorrect' an idea to entertain?

Comment by 4409
Entered on:

Dear you grasshopper James Murtagh,

Big government liberals like you always complain when liberty is argued for.


I know SB1070 and I know how it will be implemented. I'm going to have to get rude so the dumb fu%ks can understand this....the Federal Government has been trying for years to get your license linked up with local police every time that you are stopped or questioned. This was called REAL I.D. or National I.D. The so called fake "conservatives" cried over and over about Real I.D. because it linked you license or your name to a homeland security data base. Well, YOU NOW HAVE THIS IN ARIZONA via SB1070.

Every time you have contact with police whether or not you actually committed a crime or not they run your license and/or use your truthful name and that data it transferred to a government data base at homeland security. This was completely illegal  to share this information with the feds but now we have to pretend to stop illegals so its all good. Do you get it now?

furthermore it's NOT the same as the federal law...don't be a parrot and actually go compare the laws I have.

BEFORE this bullshit law you use to have to be committing a "crime" before a storm trooper could demand I.D. from you. Now just walking down the street they can fuck with you and ask for I.D. on the "reasonable" suspicion that you committed a "public offense" which is not even defined in the bill..which means they can stop you for anything...even spitting on the ground.

If you're not defending the rights of the weakest among us you soon will not have any rights because honestly you're not as wonderful and powerful as you think you are!

Comment by James Murtagh
Entered on:

They already harass us ever since I was little I have been profiled for crap like having long hair. The bill [SB1070] states they cannot profile, but you know they will, most of them always have. But why is it only citizens are penalized and fined and people who are here illegally [breaking the law] are usually left alone or at the very worst they are deported. And that goes for any nationality or ethnicity. I have been in a serious accident caused by someone who had no license but somehow was able to get a rent a car. The cops told me as well as the rent a car company later on said there is nothing we can do since he is from the Ukraine and he is not a citizen. What? Is the rent a car company not negligible for renting a car to someone who has no driver's license?

Hey 4409 you genius why do you cross the border illegally into Mexico and see what happens to you. Better yet try that in Afghanistan. Gees tired of the hypocrisy!


SB 1070 is a mirror image of the Federal Law that our corrupt illegitimate National government will not enforce because they want us destroyed economically and dependent on them. But you want to link this bill to RFID tracking chips (which is already in your cell phone) and the stasis, nowhere in the bill does it say they will be asking for papers!


Lies and spin!


Freedoms Phoenix has really thin credibility people should go to


Yeah you know the site where you guys always mirror half the stories they post and that turn around and declare that Alex Jones is controlled opposition.


Please sit this one.....

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Sorry 4409...why don't you read the citizen is required to carry Papers.....I used to have respect for you but you have jumped off the deep end on this.

Comment by Maddawg Mcclowski
Entered on:

SPIN.........SPIN...............SPIN............. I'm so tired of SPIN.....Slow day boys 
