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4409 -- Giuliani vs. Loughner

Written by Subject: Videos by 4409

Rudy Giuliani and Jared Loughner battled Sunday to see who the most mentally ill between the two of them. 

Rudy actually had the stones to show up on Face the Nation Sunday and speak about mental health.....LMAO...we must be in the twilight zone!

Only thing I could think of is that CBS had him on the show to comply with the Americans with disabilities ACT.

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Want some more “he ..he.hehhheh” background as to which of the protagonist needs confinement for the security and safety of the people in this wave of violence?. Guiliani laughed at Ron Paul’s conspiracy theory that 911 was to be blamed on the American people not on Al Qaeda during their last Republican debate to nominate a candidate for president. Guiliani allegedly refused the suggestion of his angry followers to call an ambulance to bring Paul to a nearby Sanitarium for confinement. Instead, Guiliani wanted to call a dogcatcher from the dog compound to catch a Libertarian mad dog that according to the Mayor’s followers had strayed in the debate, so went the story. If now it is Guiliani vs Loughner, this joke that has created, is actually for you and me.  Have fun …



Comment by kevin mccauley
Entered on:

hehehh thats funny I dont care who ya are!!!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

What do you expect … if you picture as loonies the country’s fighters like Giuliani who have the guts to fight terrorists even though it is not politically correct, you think Loughner the real loony is a patriot! Only “freedom” at allows the printing of this kind of distortion that to eyes with a 20-20 vision as if the world had turned upside down.


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

My source from Texas e-mailed to me that a lot of them walk the streets of Arizona carrying a handgun, and also even invaded the front page of where they shoot to kill.

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Now this is an example of just the sort of divisiveness that needs to send an FBI HRT though your front door to get you some help!

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