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Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

Look DD`S daughter..if you don`t vote,your useless to Ron Paul.
You are helping the other candidates by not voting.
I`m glad you had such a wonderful vacation, nice.
If you not part of the solution,your part of the problem.

Comment by EZWriter
Entered on:
Easy there, jcalex, this young lady is doing more than two voters to spread the word and encourage others to vote and vote wisely. She may have good and valid reasons for not wanting her name on a list of registered voters. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to do a little research.

As one who has voted in only two presidential elections in the last 43 years - Goldwater, 1964, Ron Paul, 1988 - it is a personal choice not to hold one's nose in order to vote. Most of the time there are no real choices except the lesser of two evils, which is still evil.

I will vote in 2008 for the best man for the job, Ron Paul, a statesman and a born leader. The choice is clear; there is only one choice. I have 3 grown children, the youngest heads a very large meet-up group in our area. My vote is for their future. With Ron Paul as President for 8 years I could finally have reason to hope for a brighter future for all three of them.

Before Ron Paul entered the picture, "the light at the end of the tunnel" was most likely a NWO train.

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:
DD and DD's Daughter have done far more for the cause of freedom than the vast majority of voters. Many of us that are very passionately in support of Ron Paul's message and effort are not voters because we know better. If you think voting is the solution to our problems, then you have not been paying attention.

As we get further into the actual political process it'll become a lot clearer to the general public just how much the process is removed from the people. Systems are in place to make certain that the acceptable candidates to those in power that are finally voted for will not challenge that power. I am the most encouraged by the exposing of these systems.

The willingness to "plug in" to the Matrix and do your part in support of the very system used to control the population and justify the existence of the beast that "rules" over us is seen by many, that have been paying close attention to the process, as naive at best.

Voting can be seen as entertainment (like buying a lottery ticket). In the case of showing up for a hand count that is immediately counted in front of witnesses (like New Hampshire's Presidential Primaries) or at individual state's straw polls that don't use computers, you can expect to have a real impact. But to believe that decades of molding a system to support the efforts of those that have benefited from the largest theft of wealth in all of human history is not mature enough to bypass any important "vote" just demonstrates a lack of knowledge. And any righteous advocacy in support of giving credibility to a regime via the process they use to justify the plundering is viewed by many that have been involved for years on the front lines as.... well, mostly we just ignore it and continue in our efforts to expose the lie.

Ron Paul represents a message of liberty that doesn't require vote totals to be legitimized. And you don't have to be a voter to help spread the message. I know many don't understand why it is that so much activity in support of Ron Paul's efforts are done by those that choose not to support the very system he is fighting.

BUT - There is a reason to follow the process very closely and to take advantage of every opportunity to demonstrate support for Ron Paul's message,... So you can learn how the process has been hijacked by the Bad Guys.

The RonPaulRevolution's success has very little to do with vote totals. If I were to take the time making any kind of count, I would be counting how many minds were freed from the idea that their freedom is based on a vote total.

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

I am a Ron Paul Meetup organizer.
By not voting,dd could be the one that Paul needed,but did not get.
I have talked to,given cards to,sold Tee shirts,yard signs,bumper stickers,to,made revolution signs,spread the word all over my part of this nation.
I drove 120 miles just to deliver a Tee shirt and a yard sign.
Paul will need every vote he can get,so,every Ron Paul supporter that does not vote,is useless.
Every vote counts...every vote.

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